What is SQL Data Types and its types?

SQL data types are used to define the type of data that can be stored in a table column. Each data type is associated with a specific set of values and operations.

SQL (Structured Query Language) supports various data types to define the type of data stored in database tables. Here are some common SQL data types:

  1. Numeric data types:
    • INT or INTEGER: Represents whole numbers.
    • SMALLINT: Represents smaller whole numbers than INT.
    • BIGINT: Represents larger whole numbers than INT.
    • DECIMAL or NUMERIC: Represents fixed-point numbers.
    • FLOAT or DOUBLE: Represents floating-point numbers.
  2. Character data types:
    • CHAR: Fixed-length character strings.
    • VARCHAR: Variable-length character strings.
    • TEXT: Variable-length character strings with large storage capacity.
  3. Date and time data types:
    • DATE: Represents a date value.
    • TIME: Represents a time value.
    • DATETIME or TIMESTAMP: Represents both date and time values.
    • INTERVAL: Represents a time interval.
  4. Boolean data type:
    • BOOLEAN or BOOL: Represents true or false values.
  5. Binary data types:
    • BLOB: Represents binary large objects for storing large amounts of binary data.
    • BINARY: Fixed-length binary strings.
    • VARBINARY: Variable-length binary strings.
  6. Other data types:
    • ENUM: Represents a predefined set of values.
    • SET: Represents a set of predefined values.
    • JSON: Stores JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.

These are just some of the commonly used data types in SQL.

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