Basics of Routing and Routing Files in Laravel

Routing is the process of mapping incoming HTTP requests to specific controller actions in your Laravel application. This allows you to build a clean and organized application by separating your code into distinct components.

Routing Files in Laravel:

  1. Web Routes: Located in the routes/web.php file, these routes are responsible for handling web-based requests. They’re often associated with views, form submissions, etc.
  2. API Routes: Found in the routes/api.php file, these routes handle API requests. They’re commonly used for API resources and return JSON responses.

Routing Methods in Laravel:

  1. Basic Route: The simplest form of a route in Laravel. It usually handles GET requests. for Ex:
Route::get('/example', function () {
    return 'Hello, this is an example route!';

2. Route Parameters: You can define route parameters to capture parts of the URI. For Example:

Route::get('/user/{id}', function ($id) {
    return 'User ID: ' . $id;

3. Named Routes: Assign a name to a route to easily reference it in your application. For Example:-

Route::get('/profile', 'UserController@showProfile')->name('profile');

4. Route Prefixes: Add a prefix to a group of routes to avoid repetition. For Example:-

Route::prefix('admin')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/dashboard', 'AdminController@dashboard');
    Route::get('/users', 'AdminController@listUsers');

Configuring Custom Route in Laravel:

To configure a custom route in Laravel, simply define it in one of the route files (web.php or api.php). For instance, if you want to create a custom route to handle a specific functionality:

Route::get('/custom', 'CustomController@handleCustomFunction');

You’ll need to create CustomController and its associated method handleCustomFunction to process this route.

Handling Query Routes in Laravel:

To handle query parameters in routes, you can define optional parameters in the route definition. For example:

Route::get('/search', function () {
    $query = request('q');
    return 'Search query: ' . $query;

In this case, a request to /search?q=example will capture the q parameter from the query string and process it.

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